Creating API keys for SubscribeStar Integration

Creating the API Keys

  • Navigate to You may be prompted to log into your Subscribestar Creator account.
  • Click "API" on the left hand column, or scroll down until you see "OAUTH2 / GRAPHQL API INTEGRATIONS".
  • We will need to create 2 API keys - one for administrative purposes, and one for user login purposes.
    • Click "Add Integration." Enter the following details in.
      • Application Name: Catbox Spaces Admin
      • Detailed Description: Admin integration to pull tiers and other info.
      • Redirect URL:
        • Replace with your domain if you are bringing your own domain.
      • Terms URL:
      • Privacy Policy URL:
      • Check the box next to ""
    • Click "Save", now click "Add Integration" again.
      • Application Name: Catbox Spaces User Login
      • Detailed Description: User login and authorization with Catbox Spaces
      • Redirect URL:
        • Replace with your domain if you are bringing your own domain.
      • Terms URL:
      • Privacy Policy URL:
      • Check the boxes next to "", "", and "".
    • Click "Save". You should now have two API integrations created.
  • Please note the Client ID and Client Secret for both integrations, as you will need to provide them to us to create the integration on your Space.

Notes about SubscribeStar integration

  • During Provisioning, if you added on the Subscription Platform Integration (SPI) feature during purchasing, we will enable your Space to be compatible with Patreon and Subscribestar.
  • During Setup, we will reach out to you in order to receive your keys from the above steps. If you aren't ready to enable SPI, no worries! You can continue without it, and we can enable it at any future date.
  • After we have received your keys, we will configure your Space to use those keys. We have to do this part due to the way the SubscribeStar API works with regards to URLs and Keys.
  • Once we have configured your Space with the keys (usually within 2-4 hours of receiving your keys), we will let you know you are ready to pull in your tiers! This can be completed from the "Manage Integrations" area of your Administration panel on your Space.
  • If you add or remove tiers, you need to submit a support ticket so we can re-enable tier pulling.
  • Since SubscribeStar does not provide a webhook for when someone cancels their pledge, SubscribeStar signed in users are challenged on their credentials/access more often than Patreon. 

Contact Our Team

If you still can't find an answer to what you're looking for, or you have a specific question, open a new ticket and we'd be happy to help!

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