Picking options for your Space

Catbox Spaces gives creators many options to customize their Space, including the specifications of their site. In this article, we'll go over what the options are, and how to pick the right size based on your content & audience.



Catbox Spaces currently offers the following storage options:

  • 32 GB (This is the only option for the Starter Creator Plan)
  • 128 GB
  • 256 GB
  • 512 GB

For most content creators, 128GB will be enough, and is included in the Core plan. Remember, Catbox Spaces is a publishing platform, not a storage platform. While other platforms may offer more raw space, they do not have the rich featureset that Spaces does to deliver your content to your users. To break down each tier in terms of raw images/video:

  • 32 GB can post approximately 9,000 PNG images at 2560px square (approx. 3.44 MB/image), or about 2 hours of 1080p video at 30fps.
  • 128 GB can post approximately 37,000 PNG images at 2560px square (approx. 3.44 MB/image), or about 13 hours of 1080p video at 30fps.
  • 256 GB can post approximately 73,000 PNG images at 2560px square (approx. 3.44 MB/image), or about 25 hours of 1080p video at 30fps.
  • 512 GB can post approximately 148,000 PNG images at 2560px square (approx. 3.44 MB/image), or about 50 hours of 1080p video at 30fps.

Storage needs can be difficult to gauge due to encoding differences. For example, WEBMs can have a much smaller size than MP4's. JPG has much smaller sizes than PNG due to compression. Depending on how you want to post your content, you could stretch your storage even further than the estimates above! For this reason, we recommend starting on the 128 GB included in your Space, and if you need more in the future, we can always increase the size of your Space! Note: While we can decrease the size of your Space, doing so requires us to take down your Space temporarily.



Catbox Spaces offers 3 options for bandwidth on your Space:

  • 100mbps
  • 500mbps
  • 1gbps

Depending on your content type (images, animations, etc), 100 or 500 mbps will generally be sufficient. We would only recommend the 1gbps plan for creators with very large followings (800+ subscribers) that post high resolution/framerate animations. How do you decide between 100 or 500mbps?

  • Based on our experience, 100mbps is enough to handle about 200 people browsing your Space and content at the same time.
  • 500mbps can support multiple (100+) users streaming 1080p video from your Space, as well as more than 1000 users browsing images.

Note that none of the numbers above are hard limits. You can absolutely have more than 200 people browsing your Space on the 100mbps plan.



Catbox Spaces offers 3 options with regards to how people connect to your Space:

  • Subdomain on catbox.cloud
  • Bring your own domain
  • Managed domain

The most simple option is a subdomain on catbox.cloud. You get to pick your subdomain (i.e. yourSpace.catbox.cloud), which gives you a URL that is linked to your Space. 

Bringing your own domain and managed domain are relatively similar. With Bring your own domain, you purchase or already own a domain from a domain registrar (for example, GoDaddy, Name, Cloudflare, etc). We then give you instructions to update the records on that registrar to point your domain name to our servers. With Managed Domain, we'll purchase and manage your domain of choice, and link it to our servers for you.


Third Party Integration

Catbox offers integration with third party subscription platforms, including Patreon and SubscribeStar. What does that mean?

  • Restrict access to content packs based on Patreon/SubscribeStar tier.
  • Accept requests from subscribers, and let your subscribers track their requests directly from your Space

We recommend this addon if you have a Patreon or SubscribeStar. That way you can enhance your subscriber's experience, and make it easy on you to post content.


Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to us via support@catbox.tech, or create a Sales support ticket here!

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